Expert guidance on Government and Industry health care changes

About Epiphron


EPIPHRON provides all levels of health care consulting with a focus on reimbursement, policy and system integration. With decades of Federal and Private industry experience, we have the expertise to guide you through the ever changing health care environment. Our team can assist in assuring federal and state level compliance as well as policy and reimbursement development. Let EPIPHRON take you and your business to a higher level of thinking.

What We Offer

Healthcare Reimbursement

Healthcare Reimbursement

Let EPIPHRON help to take the guess work out of regulations and reimbursement from Federal and Private healthcare payers. Our team has decades of experience working in and around reimbursement methodologies and in many cases, have written the very policy you may need assistance with. EPIPHRON will assist in planning for your bottom line due to unexpected costs and potential reimbursement changes.

Healthcare Policy Consultation

Healthcare Policy Consultation

The market for health care procedures and technologies is growing every day. Let our highly experienced team provide comprehensive health care policy development and further guidance on existing policies.

System Integration

At EPIPHRON we pride ourselves on assisting you from the ground up. Our team has the ability to identify what your system needs to function successfully in the health care marketplace. We will work together, with you, on pinpointing possible changes to your systems that will safeguard your processing and assist in smoother work stream.